How to Choose and Change Fonts in IndiaFont V3?

To select or change from the wide range of creative calligraphy fonts in IndiaFont V3, follow these steps:

  • Click on the font selection field, and either scroll down or type in the font name to search for the desired font.
  • Choose from the available fonts, and create a new text box each time you change the font. Changing the font with an existing font may not work well as some variables may be different or unavailable for different fonts.
  • Click on the “T” icon and then click anywhere on the canvas to add your first text box, and start typing as you would with the IndiaFont keyboard.
  • Once done, press “Esc” and click on the “Magnetic Selection tool.”
  • The first letter will now be selected, and all available letter variables will be displayed in the Letter Variable Panel at the bottom.
  • Click on any of the variables listed in the panel to see how it looks with your text until you find the best fit.
  • Click on the “NEXT” icon, which is right after the “Magnetic Selection tool,” to select the next letter and display its variables in the Letter Variable Panel.
  • Keep exploring different variables for different letters and create a great combination that you think is best for your design.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. We are always available to help.

For more information or to get started, visit our website at or call +91 737 845 6633.

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