How to use Alom-Wilom in IndiaFont V3?

Alom Wilom Concept of IndiaFont for Calligraphy

Calligraphy Font Software

Alom-Wilom is a unique feature in Indian calligraphy that involves the use of two letter variables to create visually appealing typography. If you are using IndiaFont V3, you can easily incorporate this feature into your designs. Here’s how:

Open IndiaFont V3 and click on the “T” icon to create a new text box. Type the text that you want to apply Alom-Wilom to.

Double-click on the text to enter editing mode. Take the blinking cursor to the very start of the text and press “Shift+<” or click on the “ALOM” icon in the left toolbar of the software. This will add the Alom variable to the first letter.

Similarly, take the cursor to the very end of the text and press “Shift+>” or click on the “WILOM” icon in the left toolbar of the software. This will add the Wilom variable to the last letter.

Once you have added the Alom-Wilom variables to the text, you can start exploring the available variable designs. To do this, click on the “Magnetic Selection Tool” icon and select the first letter of the text. The available Alom variables will be displayed in the “Letter Variable Panel” at the bottom of the screen.

Click on any of the variable designs to see how they look with your text. Keep exploring until you find the design that works best for you.

Repeat the process for the Wilom variable by selecting the last letter of the text and exploring the available variable designs in the “Letter Variable Panel”.

Don’t forget to experiment with different fonts and font sizes to see how they affect the Alom-Wilom design.

To apply Alom-Wilom to individual letters within a word, select the letter and follow the same steps as above.

In conclusion, Alom-Wilom is a unique and visually appealing feature in Indian calligraphy that can be easily incorporated into your designs using IndiaFont V3. By following these simple steps, you can create stunning and creative typography that will make your designs stand out.

For more information or to get started, visit our website at or call +91 737 845 6633.

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